Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Representation of age

In waterloo they represent age through many different ways. One of these ways is by using fast paced editing and music combined because this fast paced editing and music is used to show one of the students angry and being aggressive to another and this is stereotype of teenagers. They also use mine-en-scene because one of the teachers tries to wear fashionable clothes and the students laugh at him because that isn't what people his age wear because only younger people wear fashionable clothes really which is a stereotype of older people that they are outdated. This too show that people older are seen as weird and different by younger if for what they wear and this is too show that not just older people judge people for their clothes.

Another way they show the stereotype of younger people is by the phrases and way they speak. One of the girls says "init" and this is a stereotype of a chav and young people being chav's and this fits the stereotype. They have done this to show that young people are chav's and this was where the girl was angry so this is another stereotype that all young people are aggressive. They have tried to create a direct stereotype of a teenage chav and they have used her costume to back this up by wearing a really hot skirt. This gives the direct split between the adults and kids because the teachers are in suits and tie and they talk properly and the kids are scruffy and speak chavvy.

They also use mine-en-scene and camera too show that old people are wise. Because one of the old teachers at the start knows something is up so they use a super close up of the camera to emphasise that we are looking at that. He nows something is up which shows he is wise and this is a stereotype of old people. This is going back too the direct comparison between old people and young. In this bit he clicks his fingers and this shows his authority and the stereotype of older people being rude and they think that all people chavs and aren't well behavied so he thinks they are up too no good. This is too show the stereotype of older people from younger people's point of view.

When the girl is angry with the lad they play some music to show the anger and that youth are aggressive but as soon as the teacher comes in who is older and wise the music stops to show they bring calm to the storm. This also reflects to the maturity to the older people compared to the rashness of a younger person.

They use close ups of the younger people because they want too see the aggressive facial expressions because this is a stereotype of younger people but when the camera is on the older people they use medium shots because they don't need to focus on their expressions because their isn't much expressions but what they do look at is their body language and posture because a stereotype of older people is they are less able physically ad they are using this too show they are weak and the kids think they can do what they want but then the older teacher tells them what to do.

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